Our anthology, Love, Time, Space, Magic, just keeps on riding a wave of good reviews!

Since our wildly successful launch at Ad Astra this April, Love, Time, Space, Magic has been on a roll. NewMyths.com loved it, we got some awesome praise from fellow authors and readers alike, and now, GeekaChicas has joined the party!

With the motto, “Geeky. Cheeky. Femme.”, GeekaChicas aims to promote the work of women in STEM, science fiction, and other ‘geeky’ pursuits. There’s lots of great reviews on there, and it’s a great cause to promote, so check ’em out!


Here’s my favourite quote:

“As an inveterate Romance Snob ™, I would not have read it if I hadn’t been asked to review it for this site. I was secretly prepared to struggle through it and do my best to give it fair shake, but I ended up really enjoying it. No one is more surprised by that than I am.”

That’s right… we’ll convert ’em yet!

Many thanks to GeekaChicas, and their reviewer, Pixel Chick!